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May, 2019

EUROMEDLAB. 23rd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine

We invite all our members to participate in the upcoming 23rd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. More information about the congress can be found here.

Learn more about IFCC activities

The IFCC is a worldwide umbrella organization in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. It brings together over 100 National Societies and Affiliates from 90 countries, 6 Regional Federations as well as 46 Corporate Members. IFCC is a leading scientific organization specializing in the area of laboratory test standardization and offering educational programs and scientific conferences for clinical laboratory specialists and trainees worldwide.

New IFCC App!

We are pleased to announce the release of the IFCC app. The app is free to download from iTunes or Google Play and is the latest communication tool for use by all IFCC officers, member society members, and other lab medicine professionals.

The app is available for both Apple and android phones or tablets and provides...

LLMD has signed a collaboration agreement with SDTSC

Lithuanian Laboratory Medicine Society (LLMD) has signed a collaboration agreement with The Nursery Workers’ Development and Specialization Center (SDTSC; link: The objectives of the contract are study programs aimed at the development of biomedical technicians’ qualification and arrangement and organization of the development of biomedical technicians’ qualification. It is planned to organize common activities and projects. Members of LLMD have the opportunity to get their articles published in “Slauga.

The new LLMD website

Welcome to an updated website of Lithuanian laboratory medicine society! We are glad to be able to give you an opportunity to access all the information related to LLMS in a more convenient way. We invite you to register and use all the resources on the website.

© 2025, Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine